Friday, April 17, 2015

Composite vs. Amalgam: The Shift toward Tooth Colored Fillings

There are many choices available when it comes to getting a filling, which has created a debate between the best material choices. Amalgam and composite fillings are among the most popular filling types, but which one do you choose for your dental cavity?

Amalgam fillings or silver fillings consist of a mercury, silver, tin, and copper mixture that bond together to create a durable filling. Amalgam fillings are cost effective, long-lasting, and efficient but fall short on their appearance.

Now there has been a shift toward composite resin fillings, which are made up of a ceramic and plastic mixture that mimics the color and structure of natural teeth. Tooth colored fillings are rising in popularity due to their cosmetically appealing qualities, but may not be as long-lasting as their silver counterparts.

So Which Do You Choose?
The filling you receive will depend on the size and location of the cavity, as well as your cosmetic concerns. Technology has greatly improved the longevity of composite fillings, allowing them to last many years and maintain the overall appearance of the teeth. Many patients are also concerned about the mercury content of amalgam fillings, although the ADA has noted mercury levels in amalgam fillings are completely safe.

The best way to determine which type of filling is right for you is to consult with your local dentist. Your dentist will be able to consider you overall dentition, medical history, and cavity location and decide upon best way to restore your tooth.

Call Us Today!

At Windcrest Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide composite fillings for patients experiencing a dental cavity. If you would like more information about the services we provide, or to schedule a consultation with us in San Antonio, please contact us today!

1 comment:

  1. This is very educational post about composite vs. amalgam: the shift toward tooth colored fillings. I really did not know much difference about them and that's why I was avoiding getting dental fillings for a very long time. But now I am thinking to visit the Torrance dentist as soon as possible to get the best one at affordable prices.
