Friday, December 28, 2018

Common Cosmetic issues and Options for Treatment

Your smile is often the first thing many notice when meeting someone for the first time. It's also a major source of confidence and self-esteem. When cosmetic issues plague the smile, it can cause social and emotional stress.

Here are a few cosmetic dental issues to look out for and your options for improving your smile's appeal.

Damage, including chips and cracks, can greatly reduce the smile's attractiveness as well as make them susceptible to other issues, like decay. A damaged tooth can be caused by trauma, weak enamel, or poor oral healthcare habits. To treat damaged teeth, patients can receive either bonding or crowns. Bonding covers small chips and cosmetically repairs the tooth. Crowns completely replace the structure of the tooth and restore function.

Discoloration occurs after many years of eating darkly pigmented foods that are known to cause staining. Foods like coffee, tea, and red wine can cause teeth to yellow or change color. Further, teeth can be plagued with internal staining caused by particular health habits like taking certain medications. Patients have the option of teeth whitening and veneers to either lift external stains or mask internal ones.

Misalignment can greatly affect function as well as the way the smile looks. When teeth are out of alignment, it can make it difficult to eat and speak with comfort. Further, crooked teeth make it much harder to keep an at-home oral healthcare routine. Treatments like braces and invisible orthodontics can straighten teeth, leaving patients with a beautifully uniform smile.

Gummy smiles or uneven gums can change the size of teeth and make the smile appear unbalanced. Minimal gum contouring can be appropriate to lengthen the crown or to bring balance to the gums, making teeth look even and uniform.

When your smile is looking its best, you feel your best. Getting rid of cosmetic issues and enhancing the smile improves self-esteem and gives you the confidence to show your smile off at every chance you get.

If you'd like to learn more about cosmetic treatments, call our office and schedule a consultation with our dentist today!

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